were first introduced to the United Kingdom in the late 1980's.
Since that time they have been introduced to many countries around the world.
During that period many valuable lessons have been learned to enable the industry to now be ready to transition to commercial production.
The British Domesticated Ostrich Association was founded in December 1992 to support the development of the industry here in the United Kingdom.
Since those early days the Association has built up many contacts in Government including DEFRA in London and its equivalents in Edinburgh and Belfast. The Association has been involved in many consultative exercises many of which are ongoing.
The British Association is also known in other countries and maintains contact with the EU and the Council of Europe in matters that affect the industry.
Secretary & Treasurer:
Craig Culley
33 Eden Grange
Little Corby
Tel: 01228 562908
email: craig@culley.co.uk