WOA Factors Influencing Skin Quality
Version 1
September 2006 |
The objective of this document is to provide guidelines on understanding
the different factors that influence the quality of Ostrich Skins.
Every stage of the production process has an influence on the product
quality and all stages are of equal importance. A failure at any stage
will influence the revenue received at the end of the production process.
The costs for skin removal, curing, tanning and marketing a skin are
the same regardless of grade. The higher the grade achieved, the greater
the margin over these costs the greater the revenue available to contribute
to the costs of rearing the birds.
Good skin quality starts on farm and the following aspects are key management
issues that influence grading. The differential in value from Grade 1
to reject is very significant and can be equal to the total feed bill
of the Ostrich at this time. Ostrich skins therefore provide excellent
revenue as a secondary product to Meat production.
Nutrition has an influence on a number of factors relating to skin
quality. Quality of skin at age of slaughter depends on:
- Bird maturity
at slaughter
- Feather development
- Influences Age of Follicle Maturity
- Thickness and Density of Skin
- Texture
- Elasticity
- Wound Healing
- Ability to handle stress
- Feather Pecking
- Grading
- Early slaughter age more Grade 1 Skins
- Consistency
- Fat
-Quantity and Quality
Farm Management
The following aspects of farm management will have an influence on
minimising damage to the skins
- Pen design
-never use barbed wire
- Feeding systems
- Handling systems
- Stress Management
Over the years there have been statements made about which breed produces
a better skin than others – i.e. African Black rather than Blue.
There are at least 10 different sub species of ostrich identified and
the African Black is a hybrid with variations within the breed. There
is every evidence to date that suggest it is method of rearing, handling
and tanning that have the greatest influence on quality.
There is evidence that genetics influence the shape and size of the
crown and shape and size of follicle.
The way to achieve answers on genetic influences on issues that affect
skin quality and price is through full records to observe traits carried
through different bloodlines. Clearly, it will take a number of years
and generations to achieve meaningful data to answer some questions.
Transporting Ostriches creates unique challenges, as they are large
animals with only two legs. The aim when transporting the birds is
to ensure they do not fall, as this results not only in bruising from
the fall, but also being trampled by other birds, with serious damage
to the skins. Minimise the risks of the birds rubbing their backs as
they use the sides of the truck as support. Care during transport influences
the meat quality as well as skin quality. The following are some of
the key areas that influence the skin quality during transportation.
- Handling and Loading
- Stress Management
- Truck floor – non-slip
- Smooth sides to truck and partitions
- Size of compartments
- Experienced drivers and staff
- Prevent birds falling
- Do not allow fallen birds to remain on floor
- Suitability of transport
for all climatic conditions
The areas of influence in the abattoir can be split into pre-slaughter
handling live birds and post slaughter, the skin removal and storage.
Live Birds
The following are all areas that require care to minimize risks of
skin scaring or bruising.
- Unloading area non-slip and encourages easy movement
- Raceways
- non-slip
- free of any sharp objects or rough edges
- Holding pens
- non-slip floors
- smooth sides
- no sharp corners, sharp objects or rough edges
- Stress Management at
all stages
Post Slaughter
The following are areas of the slaughter process and skin after care
that influence the quality of the skin, both from risks of damage while
still on the bird and the manner it is handled during removal and after
- Stunning
-Procedures must eliminate risk of damage by the bird falling on
- Plucking
Systems must ensure no damage to quill shaft
- De-skinning
- Eliminate any risk of damage
- Only one person at any one time working on bird
- Correct knives
- Watch Muscles not damaged as well as skin
- Cutting Lines
Ensure cutting lines according to standard set by buyer
Ensure skin cut low around the tail to include all the Crown area
Handling and Treatment post removal
Cleaning and curing skins correctly ensures the skins arrive at the
tannery in good condition, and can be stored for some time, should
it be necessary. The following are areas that need to be considered:
Avoid use of any utensils that can cause possible staining of skins,
including rust.
Facilities to ensure skins are washed and cleaned
Procedures in place to minimize risk of bacteria attack
Skins salted quickly and efficiently, ensure total coverage, with special
attention to the edges
Correct salt is used and sufficient
- Temperature below 20degrees
- Off the ground
- Good Ventilation
- Storage facilities are dry
- Skins never dry out
- Suitable transport for distance and time in transit
- e.g. Chilled transport for long distance transport
The tannery is the last stage in the chain. Many tanneries report tremendous
variability in the texture of skins delivered. This creates additional
challenges to the tanneries in achieving consistency of colour and
Tanning leather is an art and a specialised procedure. Many factors
influence the final product, the tanning process chosen and the market
serviced by the particular tannery will influence the methods and procedures
in place.
There are a number of studies and research projects required with several
needed to overcome many myths that have so far blocked development
of a commercial industry.
The following are some areas:
- Studies:
The influences of follicle size
- Nutrition
- Age
- Genetics
- within breed
- breed comparisons
- Understanding the interdependence on all the above
The influences that affect skin grade
- Nutrition
- Age of slaughter
- Genetics
- within breed
- breed comparisons
- Understanding the interdependence of all of the above
- Management systems
-Farm Management
- Handling systems
- Transport
- Slaughter
- Curing
- Storage
Presence or absence of filoplumes and pin holes
- Genetic
- Nutrition
- Management
Variations in skin colour
- Genetic
- Nutrition
- Management
The more production units and tanneries prepared to contribute to these
studies the faster the industry can build a large enough database to
make the above assessments. From those studies we can also develop
recommendations on systems that work and advice on those that do not
work. It is only possible to carry out such studies effectively if
full traceability is available from breeder to finished skin.
Such studies will also enable development of classifications that provide
an additional marketing tool and recognition that there are many market
opportunities out there with different needs. The following are some
areas that require classification.
Skin classifications based on:
- Follicle size and shape
- Distance between follicles
- Diamond Size
- Thickness
The first documented study that proved beyond question age is not
the criteria to be used for evaluating follicle development and skin
quality was carried out in 2002. This study demonstrated that maturity
of development is the critical factor and birds produced to optimize
feed conversion for fast growth, and high meat yields also produce
mature feather development at a much younger age than is currently
the industry norm. The study also identified there may be a genetic
influence in follicle size requiring further data to confirm if this
is so and how significant that influence may be.
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